Dr. ISO's Pandemic History, Info & Tips

Dr. ISO's Pandemic History, Info & Tips

How can we associate better with COVID-19? Let's find the key by learning about the history of the infectious diseases Japan has experienced.  
Presenter: Isoda Michifumi, Historian
私たちは COVID-19とどうやって上手く付き合っていけるのでしょうか?日本人がかつて経験した感染症の歴史の中からヒントを見つけていきましょう。 

Compensation Bundled with Quarantine 〜補償とセットの隔離政策 〜
3月30日(水)15:23 - 15:30 、4月4日(月)10:30 - 10:35 / 15:30 - 15:35 / 21:30 - 21:35、4月5日(火)2:30 - 2:35 / 7:30 - 7:35
Strict voluntary quarantine of smallpox sufferers was required in Iwakuni domain in the Edo period to protect the lord. Compliance was encouraged by a generous compensation policy that provided rice.

The First Masks in Japan 〜日本で最初のマスク〜
3月30日(水)20:55 - 21:00/、4月4日(月)10:35 - 10:40 / 15:35 - 15:40 / 21:35 - 21:40、4月5日(火)2:35 - 2:40 / 7:35 - 7:40
Let's unravel the history of masks in Japan! Dr. ISO introduces various ideas and innovations, including masks for silver mine workers and masks to block toilet odors.

Japan's Modernization Accelerated by Epidemics 〜流行病が加速させた日本の近代化〜
3月31日(木)3:55 - 4:00、4月4日(月)10:35 - 10:40 / 15:35 - 15:40 / 21:35 - 21:40、4月5日(火)2:35 - 2:40 / 7:35 - 7:40
With the rise in foreign trade in the late Edo period, menacing infectious diseases entered Japan. But it's also true that Westerners introduced the latest medicines and doctoral spirit of devotion.

Even the Prime Minister Suffered After-Effects 〜時の宰相も苦しんだ後遺症〜
3月31日(木)8:15 - 8:20
In his diary, the 19th Prime Minister of Japan, Hara Takashi, described in detail how his health did not recover for nearly 6 months after his bout of Spanish flu.






